#SM4J2PM Scavenger Hunt

Jan 11, 2022


Yordanos Tesfazion and Trever Bolton

J463/563 — Social Media Journalism, Damian Radcliffe

  1. Who are you?

2. Iconic UO:

3. Quirky Eugene:

4. Post a noteworthy quote:

5. Location Story:

6. Snapchat Filter:

7. Boomerang:

8. Boomerang #2:

9. Pinterest Board:

10. Chill out and set the scene:

11. Unboxing:

12. Talk to someone new:

13. Person on the street interview #1

14. Person on the street interview #2:

15. Person on the street interview #3:

16. Go Live:

17. Your best bits: (We’ve uploaded them to Google Drive)

18. Quote retweets:

19. WhatsApp Interview:



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